Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dog Day Afternoon

We were staying in the valley, about an hour or so drive to the beaches.  Kevin always wanted to try a Pink's Hot Dog, so Sunday we drove to the original Pink's stand on La Brae near Hollywood.  At 11:30am the line was around to the back of the building and the estimated wait time was about 45min.  We waited in line looking at a print out of the menu that they provide for all those waiting in line.  It was close to an hour wait until we made our way to the counter.  Kevin couldn't decide on one dog so he ordered two dogs:  a Ozzy Ozborne Spicy Dog, which was a spicy polish dog, covered with guacamole, tomatoes, nacho cheese sauce, and onions,  AND a bacon chili cheese dog, which was a 'stretch' dog loaded with chili, slices of bacon, and shredded cheese.  We also orderd some onion rings with some ranch sauce and some nachos, just to get a balanced meal.  The bacon cheese dog truly was one of the best hot dogs I have ever had.  The Spicy Ozzy dog was very good - too spicy for me to eat every day, but I was so glad that I tried it.

After the hot dogs we made our way to Venice Beach.  It was a Sunday afternoon, perfect weather and the beach was packed.  We parked what turned out to be quite a ways from the boardwalk, so by the time we walked to the piers to watch the sailboats and surfers, spent the afternoon walking up and down the boardwalk looking at the shops and vendors, and then back to the car, we had covered several miles and were both quite tired.

After the beach, we drove to another restaurant that we had both wanted to try, Roscoe's House of Chicken and Waffles.  We both ordered a 1/4 chicken with two waffles.  The waffles were very good - the chicken was OK - the breast pieces were a little overcooked, but we were both glad that we tried this place.

After dinner we went to the Santa Monica Pier because we wanted to ride the ferris wheel at night.  The pier was packed, but we found a parking spot fairly close to the pier and then once again fought the crowds to ride on the ferris wheel with the boardwalk lit up.

1 comment:

  1. You should try out for a spot on the Travel channel....Zhi
