Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Life's a Beach

Kevin has always had the dream of one day experiencing the beauty of Pebble Beach.  He's an avid golfer and thoroughly enjoys watching the major golf tournaments on television.  Today, his dream became a reality.

We arrived at the Lodge at Pebble Beach around 12:30 pm and enjoyed a wonderful lunch in the Gallery Cafe, which overlooked the putting green and the first tee.  After lunch we toured the grounds, took pictures, and enjoyed shopping in several of the golf stores that were part of this resort.  Kevin was in seventh heaven!!  He tried on lots of golf clothes adorned with the Pebble Beach logo and finally made the decision to purchase a black pullover.  He will have very fond memories of this day every time he wears this souvenir!

We then made our way down the scenic 17 Mile Drive which took us by the Spyglass Hill Golf Course, lots of expensive mansions, and unbelievable view points.  This experience can be summed up in one word:  Breathtaking!

We left Pebble Beach and drove for several hours along the California Coastal Highway.  The weather was very cool and overcast in areas and then cleared up and became sunny for a while.  The views of the coast were spectacular.  We stopped at several view points to take pictures and to breathe in the fresh ocean air.

We arrived at our final destination, Pismo Beach, CA, at close to 7:00 PM.  We had a nice steak dinner at A.J. Spurs Saloon and then called it an early night.  Tomorrow, we'll be on our way to San Diego.


  1. And here I sit ensuring the world has enough computer chips...I wanna be where you guys are!

  2. Sounds like the trip is off to a great start. I am trying to relax vicariously through this blog but sadly my pager keeps going off. -charlie

  3. Great start to your blog. Looking forward to more updates on your adventure!

    Miss ya,
