Monday, July 25, 2011

Cleveland - Melt Challenge

On Monday, we drove from Cincinnati to Cleveland and we stopped at the Melt Bar and Grilled to try the "Melt Challenge".  We saw this on the Travel Channel's 'Man vs Food' show and Kevin thought he could complete this challenge.  The challenge consisted of a huge grilled cheese sandwich that had 13 different kinds of cheese and a mound of coleslaw and french fries.  The challenge was to consume all of the food on the plate without any help and without leaving the seat.  There is about 5 pounds of food with the sandwich being at least 3 of those pounds.  We had to wait about an hour to get a table, and then the sandwich took another hour to prepare due to the huge amount of cheese.

The sandwich arrived and it looked large, but didn't seem all that huge.  There was hot melty cheese everywhere. 

The first bites were very tasty and initially Kevin thought this would be no problem to finish all this food.  The first half of the sandwich and about half the fries and slaw went down very quickly and easily.  Halfway through, Kevin still thought there would be no problem finishing it all.

More than halfway through and still going strong.

After a few more bites, the cheese became just a bit too much.  Too strong, too much food or a combination of both started making each bite more and more difficult.  It wasn't necessarily the amount of food, but the combination of cheeses that forced Kevin into the decision to stop. 

At least 3/4 of the sandwich, fries, and slaw eaten and still alot of food left.

Although the end result was disappointing for us both, there was still a huge feeling of accomplishment.  We are confident that there will be other challenges in the future for us to attempt and conquer.  This is only the beginning.  After the initial disappointment subsided a few hours later, a consolation prize was in order.   We decided to enjoy two old fashioned milk shakes at the local Steak N' Shake restaurant and discuss our day.  It has always been  our philosophy to never go to bed mad - or hungry!

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