Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cleveland - Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame: "The Heart of Rock and Roll Keeps Beating!"

On Tuesday, we enjoyed an early lunch buffet at the Quaker Steak and Lube restaurant in Sheffield, Cleveland.   We then decided to spend a few hours at the Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame which was located on Lake Erie.  At first, we thought we were just going to spend a few hours looking at the exhibits and kill some time before our 7:05 PM Cleveland Indians baseball game.  We both consider ourselves "non-museum" people, so we did not expect to be "wowed" at this venue.  We could not have been more wrong!!

Exterior of Building.  No photography is allowed inside the Museum due to copyright agreements.

This truly turned out to be one of the highlights of our trip thus far.  We spent close to 4 hours looking at the exhibits of the the Hall of Fame inductees.  Everything from Elvis Presley's bejeweled jumpsuits and Mark IV car to Michael Jackson's famous sequined glove and Grammy awards were available for public viewing. 

Tina especially enjoyed the "Women Who Rock" exhibit which featured the likes of Janis Joplin, Mama Cass Elliot, Billie Holiday, Aretha Franklin, Cher and all the women who had a major impact on the music industry.  Kevin enjoyed learning more about the late Jimmy Hendrix and several of the rock bands that he listened to growing up.  We also enjoyed biographical documentaries on some of the music legends who have since passed away.

This museum brought back so many good memories for the both of us.  We could have spent another whole day there.  (Tina could spend a full day just in the gift shop if she had the opportunity!)  We both made the decision to return to this museum one day in the future.

Although this day was very expensive and exceeded our daily budget (yes, we actually do try to be reasonable), we could not put a dollar value on our experience.  We had another amazing day on our amazing journey.

Note:  We are both saddened by the untimely death of Amy Winehouse at age 27.  What a waste!  May she now rest in peace.

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