Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Denver, Colorado- Coors Field

On Monday, September 5th, we made the ten hour drive from Kansas City, MO to Denver, Colorado.  We enjoyed a nice Mexican dinner at Garcia's and then turned in early.

On Tuesday, we decided to spend the afternoon exploring the downtown Denver area.  We found a trendy little area called the 16th Street Mall.  This was basically a one mile strip that consisted of restaurants, shops, theaters, and various local attractions.  Due to an afternoon rain shower, we decided to pursue an indoor activity.  We chose the Lucky Strike Lanes for our first stop.  We bowled  5 games each and now have the blisters to prove it.  At least we'll both be ready for our upcoming Fall bowling league which starts on September 20th.  (We took first place last year and are hoping for a repeat performance with our teammates Mike and Emily Kennedy).

We then walked around to look at some of the interesting shops.  Tina was happy to find another Hard Rock Cafe and added two more pins to her collection.  A portion of the proceeds from both pins went to charity (Breast Cancer and Autism) so it was very easy for her to justify her purchase.

At 5:00 PM we headed back to our car and made our way to Coors Field for the 6:40 PM Colorado Rockies game.  It started to rain again and we worried that we might have to deal with a rain delay or a game postponement.  Luckily, the game went on without delay.

We had great seats in the second row right near 1st base.  There was a pretty sparse crowd due to the weather and the fact that the Rockies are not doing too well this year.  The weather was a little spotty and it began to drizzle at about the third inning.  It was cold and wet for the rest of the game.  We braved the rain for a few innings, but then headed for some seats that were sheltered from the rain.  The Rockies scored 7 runs in the 8th inning to come back and beat Arizona 8-3.  Since the Rockies scored 6 or more runs Taco Bell gives away tacos the next day and the crowd seemed just as happy about the tacos as the Rockies victory.

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