Friday, September 2, 2011

St. Louis, MO - Busch Stadium

On Thursday we drove from Greendale, WI to St. Louis.  We stopped at Crown's Candy Kitchen where Kevin attempted the Milkshake Challenge that he saw on the Travel Channel.  The goal of the challenge was to finish 5 24oz milkshakes in 30minutes.  Kevin gave up after 3 and a half shakes and was cold (even though the outside temperature was about 100 degrees) and miserable for a couple hours after the attempt.  We were told that only 30 people have successfully completed this challenge since this restaurant opened in 1913.

On Friday we had a nice lunch at a nearby Granite City Brewery and then Tina had a business call to make and Kevin went to get the car's oil changed.  We headed for the stadium at about 5:00pm.  We arrived downtown at about 5:30pm and there was very little traffic to deal with and we found a nice parking garage pretty close to the stadium for $10.

The exterior of the new Busch Stadium is all red bricks and is a nice looking building.  There are statues of all the Cardinal greats on the sidewalks outside the stadium.  Inside the stadium everything is red.  There is a very nice view of the downtown skyline, including nice views of the the St. Louis Arch.  The stadium is very new, but it still has a somewhat old feel.  The scoreboards are adequate, but nothing spectacular and they still play old time organ music.  It's a very nice game time experience.  It was 96 degrees at game time and it was slow to cool down.  The Reds beat the Cardinals 11-3.  After the game there was an excellent Friday Night Fireworks show that we stayed and enjoyed.  After the game we made the short walk back to our car and then headed back to our hotel.  It was very easy getting out of downtown and back on the freeway.

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