Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Last Inning: Seattle, WA - Safeco Field

On Saturday, September 10th, we made the drive from Boise, Idaho to Seattle, WA-our final destination on our journey of a lifetime.  We were greeted by our dear friends, Mike and Emily Kennedy, who were going to join us for our final baseball game.  They treated us to a wonderful dinner at Jimmy Mack's Roadhouse, where we all had a chance to catch up on each other's lives since the last time we saw each other in the middle of June.

On Sunday, we all enjoyed a wonderful breakfast at Roxie's Diner -a New York Deli-style establishment.  Mike and Kevin enjoyed a Bacon Bloody Mary as an eye-opener and Tina and Emily celebrated the day with a double Peach Bellini.  The food was awesome, but the company was even better.

After gorging ourselves, we made our way to Safeco Field to watch the Seattle Mariners take on the Kansas City Royals.  Unfortunately, the Mariners lost by one run, with the final score being 1 to 2.

It was a very special day for many reasons.  Prior to the start of the game, the entire stadium became silent to observe the victims of the September 11, 2001 tragedy. It was yet another reminder of how much we love our country.

After the game, the four of us walked around downtown Seattle to explore the wharf area.  We enjoyed shopping at the local tourist shops and socializing at Ivar's, where we enjoyed their famous Clam Chowder soup and a couple of cold adult beverages.

We then made our way back to our hotel for our final evening on the road.  It is so hard to comprehend the magnitude of our adventure this summer. We are both overwhelmed at our accomplishment and will forever be grateful for the opportunity that we were presented with.  To all of our family and friends with whom we met along the way: thank you for being a part of our adventure, thank you for your support and hospitality, and thank you for becoming a permanent part of our lifelong memories.  We love and appreciate you all.

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