Saturday, August 6, 2011

Arrival In Stamford, CT

On Saturday we took our friend, Jason, to the Providence, Rhode Island Airport after a wonderful one week visit.  As we anticipated, we had way too much to eat, and lots of laughs along the way.  We will miss you, Jason!  We enjoyed your company and will cherish the memories that we made with you during this leg of our journey.

We then made our way to Stamford, CT to begin our one week stay with Tina's cousins, Rich and Linda.  Before arriving in Stamford, we stopped in Mystic, CT for a brief visit.  Mystic is a quaint little town, and is where the movie "Mystic Pizza" took place.  This film gave Julia Roberts her big boost to stardom.  We walked along the harbor and browsed through some of the charming little shops.  Tina purchased a bracelet that she fell in love with.

We arrived in Stamford at 3:00 PM and both felt a little bit under the weather.  We spent the afternoon and evening with Rich and Linda catching up on our lives.  Linda prepared a wonderful Sea Scallop Salad with Gazpacho for dinner.  We completed the meal with Apple Pie and Vanilla Ice Cream.

We turned in early to get some much needed rest.  Tomorrow, it's off to the Met's game!

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