Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cooperstown, New York: Baseball Hall of Fame

On Monday, we made the drive from Toronto, Ontario to Syracuse, New York.  It took an hour and a half to cross the border and this made all of us very irritable.  To ease the aggravation, Kevin and Jason decided that they wanted to go to Penora's for a third day in a row to have a "light" lunch.  We all enjoyed another baked sub sandwich and then tearfully said goodbye to this local gem.  We made some great memories at this little hole in the wall.

We drove for most of the day and then finally reached our destination in Syracuse.  We relaxed for a few hours and then had a nice dinner at the Texas Roadhouse.

On Tuesday, August 1st, we drove from Syracuse, New York to Cooperstown, New York to visit the Baseball Hall of Fame Museum.  This was one of the highlights of our baseball journey 10 years ago and we couldn't wait to go back, especially since Jason was going to join us.

We spent the entire morning viewing the exhibits and taking in some of the historical moments in baseball.  Kevin and Jason were overcome with emotion as were many of the men touring this facility.  So many great memories were brought back to present day.

We had lunch at the Cooperstown Diner, a quaint little establishment located close to the mueseum.  Everyone was very friendly and it was so nice to know that everyone there had a passion for baseball.  The diner had a little sign hanging in the window that said, "Enter as strangers and leave as friends."  This really seemed to be true.  What a great feeling!

After lunch we toured many of the souvenir and memorbilia shops that lined the sreets close to the museum.  Jason found several Boston Red Sox items to purchase.   We then returned to the museum to continue looking at the remaining exhibits.  Kevin and Jason took part in a baseball trivia game that they both enjoyed.  We also took a look at the wall of Hall of Fame inductees and enjoyed every minute of this experience.

After another very full day, we made our way to Albany, New York.  We had a nice dinner at the Ninety Nine Restaurant and discussed how much we enjoyed our day together.  We all agreed that lifetime memories were made today.

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